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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Mobile Phone Shops

Mobile Phone Shops

If you are shopping for a mobile phone, you are going to soon learn all about mobile phone shops and how annoying they can be. I have yet to walk into one and not be annoyed. I know the salespeople have a job to do, but I often feel like I can’t breathe. Because the mobile phone industry is so competitive, most of the employees in mobile phone shops will do just about anything to get your business, even if it means annoying you into a sale. Sometimes, you consider buying just to get them to stop talking.

It is a fierce market, and it is understandable that a sales person will want to do everything they can to get you to sign up for their service. There is a problem, however, when you can’t walk into mobile phone shops and be left alone for a moment. Every time I have walked into one I have been instantly greeted, which was fine, but the sales person never leaves my side. All I want to do was look around, but I wasn’t able to do this on my own without feeling really rude about it.

Perhaps this is when those who work at mobile phone shops should remember that not everyone walking in is looking for a new contract. Some of us have one, thank you very much, and others don’t have any need for one, and opt for the prepaid type of service. Sometimes, we come into mobile phone shops just to get our phone accessories, or perhaps we need our phone to be fixed. Please don’t jump on us right away!

This is even a problem in the mall. Some of these mobile phone shops are nothing more than a kiosk in the middle of the mall. It’s a great place to have a shop, but you can’t even walk by without an employee trying to use eye contact to draw you into their web of salesmanship. It’s almost like a tractor beam you can’t quite escape. You can see it in the eyes of the employee, they are going to get you as a customer and you are going to have to fight tooth and nail to escape. Once mobile phone shops become truly mobile, and are going door to door, I think I am going to resign myself to owning six different phones, just to get them to leave me alone.

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